среда, 10 февраля 2010 г.

Should cars be banned from the city centers?

Should cars be banned from the city centers? I think no. In our life cars and other means of locomotion plays the main role. Every year for transportaion go millions dollars and noone transportcompany and noone driver will not give up his car. The car is a reflection of social status for some cultures. The more people have cars, the higher their social status is reflected. Consequently, many big cities are facing serious problems that related to cars. The authorities in most big cities now have been trying a number of alternatives to minimize these problems. One of those is banning cars from city centre. Following this, the necessity of banning cars from city centre becomes a controversial issue since a lot of interests are involved. There are three main aspects to show that banning cars from city centers is important, namely the environmental problems, congestion and noise pollution. Some people argue that it is not necessary to ban cars from city centers due to convenience. Cars are built to help people doing their personal activities such as working, studying and pleasure. The greatest advantage of using personal cars is that people are able to organize their own activities whenever they wish. While this argument is true, there are some evident that people can still manage their activities well although they are not us.

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